Texas Archives - Page 7 of 10 - State and Federal Communications

On September 23, Austin, Texas City Council Member Leslie Pool intends to present a new lobbying ordinance to the Audit and Finance Committee. On Monday, the Ethics Review Commission was asked by Pool to set up a public hearing before […]

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On July 27, city of Austin, Texas Councilman Don Zimmerman filed suit seeking a preliminary injunction against city campaign finance provisions relating to blackout periods. The current law only allows officeholders, candidates, and their respective committees to accept campaign contributions […]

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Today the Legislature adjourned sine die. Gov. Greg Abbott has 20 days after transmittal of bills sent at the end of the session to sign or veto the legislation. If the governor does not act on a bill, it becomes […]

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On March 4, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced a special election will be held on March 31 for Texas House District 124. The winner will serve the remainder of the term for the seat left vacant by Jose Antonio Menendez. […]

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February 19, 2015  •  

Texas Governor Wants Ethics Reform

On February 17, in his state of the state address, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott emphasized his desire for ethics reform legislation. Included in his proposals are requirements for more detailed disclosure concerning campaign finance, disclosure of elected officials’ contracts with […]

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On January 9, 2015, a federal court issued a preliminary injunction enjoining the city of Houston  from enforcing its ordinance prohibiting political contributions until the first day of February prior to the day of an election. In Gordon v. City […]

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On August 21, the Texas Ethics Commission issued two advisory opinions and a proposed rule amendment. Advisory Opinion 519 holds a state candidate is not prohibited from accepting an in-kind political contribution from an out-of-state political committee. The contribution to […]

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Today Texas Gov. Perry announced a special election will be held September 9, 2014, for the State Senate District 28 seat. State Sen. Robert Duncan resigned on July 3, 2014, in order to serve as chancellor of the Texas Tech […]

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A new Texas Ethics Commission Rule regarding contributions to direct campaign expenditure-only committees became effective today. Texas Ethics Commission Rule §22.5 requires a political committee intending to act exclusively as a direct campaign expenditure-only committee to file an affidavit with […]

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Steve Raborn, the Tarrant County, Texas Elections Administrator since 2006, will be leaving office on March 14. Raborn will next be working for Votec Corporation, a private company dealing with public election-related products and services. According to the Fort Worth […]

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  On February 13, the Texas Ethics Commission issued an advisory opinion concerning the requirements of lobbyists to disclose office holders or candidates compensating or reimbursing the lobbyist for services from political contributions. In Ethics Advisory Opinion No. 515, the […]

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On January 19, 2014, the city’s Wage Theft Ordinance takes effect. The ordinance prohibits contracts with the city for vendors convicted of wage theft, assessed an administrative penalty involving wage theft, or adjudicated in a civil action of engaging in […]

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The Texas Ethics Commission issued a resolution “unanimously condemn[ing] the use of misleading campaign communications regarding the activities of the [Ethics] Commission.” In its resolution, issued on December 3, 2013 and released online this week, the commission states the use […]

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A Texas Ethics Commission rule delineating the state’s document retention policy for treasurers of political committees takes effect today. Rule §20.18, which was adopted on October 31, 2013, spells out the records needed to be kept for at least two […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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