San Antonio Archives - State and Federal Communications

This month, the San Antonio City Council approved substantial changes to the campaign finance and ethics codes. The new ordinance requires additional campaign finance reports and disclosure of the name and title of anyone contributing $100 or more to a […]

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Recommendations by the city’s Ethics Review Board are on their way to be reviewed by the full City Council after the Council’s Governance Committee, chaired by Mayor Ron Nirenberg, reviewed the proposed changes Wednesday. Mayor Nirenberg stated the recommendations are […]

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September 15, 2017  •  

San Antonio Finalizes Campaign Finance Proposals

After review and finalization, a package of campaign finance code revisions is going to the City Council Governance Committee for approval. Proposed revisions include language creating a blackout period for owners or top executives of primary bidders on city contracts […]

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Here is a video highlighting our time at the NCSL Summit in San Antonio, Texas:

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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