February 29, 2012 •
Government Tech and Social Media News
Take a look at today’s government technology news: A list of the top government social media projects, social media and the GOP primary, an IT ethics violation that is rocking both the state of New York and the city of Baltimore, and New York City votes on open government legislation.
Social Media News
“Top 14 Government Social Media Initiatives” by J. Nicholas Hoover in Information Week.
“How Social Media Is Keeping the GOP Primary Going” by Micah Sifry in TechPresident.
IT News
“New York Officials Promise Reforms After Scathing IT Audit” by Matt Williams in Governing.
“Baltimore’s top IT official resigns after alleged ethical violations emerge in N.Y.” by Gus Sentementes in The Baltimore Sun.
Open Data
“In New York, Landmark Open Data Legislation Will Soon Be Up for a Vote” by Sarah Lai Stirland in TechPresident.
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