Multnomah County Archives - State and Federal Communications

August 30, 2021  •  

Contribution Limits Upheld

Judge Bloch of Multnomah, Oregon County Circuit Court ruled contribution limits do not violate free speech and are constitutional. The ruling allows for a $500 limit on individual campaign donations. This limit was put into place by voters in 2016, […]

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The Oregon Supreme Court, reversing its longstanding ban on strict campaign finance limits, ruled in favor of a voter approved Multnomah County law putting a $500 limit on campaign donations. The court concluded contribution limits are not invalid under the state […]

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House Democrats introduced a bill putting the 2006 voter approved campaign contribution limits on hold until at least July 2021. House Bill 4124 would give lawmakers more time to pass new campaign contribution limits to replace those approved by voters. […]

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Akasha Lawrence-Spence was selected by the Multnomah County Commissioners in Oregon to fill the unexpired term of Rep. Jennifer Williamson. Rep. Williamson resigned from the House District 36 seat in late December to run for secretary of state. The unexpired […]

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Rep. Jennifer Williamson resigned from her Oregon House of Representatives District 36 seat to focus on her campaign for secretary of state. Multnomah County Democrats can forward three to five names to the Multnomah County Commission for a replacement. The […]

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At a meeting of the Senate Campaign Finance Committee, Sen. Jeff Golden proposed new regulations that would place ceilings on the amount of money individuals and various types of political committees could give to candidates, campaigns, and one another. Oregon […]

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The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners adopted campaign finance disclosure regulations aimed at changing how money influences politics. Beginning December 7, 2019, all county candidates will be required to disclose funding sources on campaign communications funded with more than $300. […]

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Multnomah County Circuit Judge Eric Bloch struck down voter-approved limits on campaign donations to candidates running for county offices. Judge Bloch’s ruling stated the $500 limit on donations violates Oregon’s expansive free expression guarantees in the Oregon Constitution. The decision […]

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In Oregon, a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge found county campaign finance reforms unconstitutional. Judge Eric Bloch ruled the voter-approved limitations on campaign contributions and independent expenditures were impermissible under the free speech guarantees within the Oregon Constitution, citing a […]

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Campaign finance ballot measure 26-184 passed on November 8 with an 88 percent to 11 percent tally. The measure seeks to limit campaign expenditures and contributions and promote transparency by requiring heightened advertisement funding disclosures. Measure 26-148 prohibits candidates from […]

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The Multnomah County Charter Review Committee voted Wednesday to add a campaign reform ballot measure to the November ballot. Voters will decide whether the county should amend its charter to limit campaign contributions from individuals to $500 per person per […]

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