September 12, 2013 •
Thursday News Roundup
Here are some great articles for today’s government relations news summary:
New Mexico: “Donald Duck, New Mexico lobbyist” by Rob Nikolewski in the New Mexico Watchdog.
Tennessee: “TN Ethics Commission opts not to fine Tom Ingram” by Chas Sisk in The Tennessean.
Campaign Finance
“Donors flooded state level PACs with big checks” by Anupama Narayanswamy on the Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group.
“D.C. executive linked to secret 2008 aid to Hillary Clinton” by Ann E. Marimow and Philip Rucker in The Washington Post.
New Hampshire: “NH House panel reviews push poll, voter registration, campaign finance bills” by John DiStaso in the New Hampshire Union Leader.
“Ethics drops 1 case, won’t fully review 3 others” by John Bresnahan in Politico.
Alaska: “Panel: Ex-Alaska legislator violated ethics rules” by Becky Bohrer (Associated Press) in the Anchorage Daily News.
Minnesota: “Campaign agency weighs in on Dayton’s political use of the state plane” by Rachel E. Stassen-Berger in the Star Tribune.
State Legislatures
“More Lawmakers are Getting Pink Slips from Voters” by Jacob Gershman in The Wall Street Journal.
Louisiana: “Louisiana business group releases 2013 legislative score card” by Lauren McGaughy in the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
Missouri: “Missouri lawmakers start overriding vetoes” in the Kansas City Star.
Government Tech and Social Media
New Jersey: “State websites offline again” by Salvador Rizzo in The Star-Ledger.
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