June 16, 2017 •
New Mexico Sec. of State Proposes New Campaign Finance Rule
Sec. of State Maggie Toulouse is using her rulemaking authority over all persons, candidates, and committees covered by the Campaign Reporting Act by proposing a draft campaign finance rule. Similar to Senate Bill 96, a bill vetoed by Gov. Susana […]
Sec. of State Maggie Toulouse is using her rulemaking authority over all persons, candidates, and committees covered by the Campaign Reporting Act by proposing a draft campaign finance rule.
Similar to Senate Bill 96, a bill vetoed by Gov. Susana Martinez after the 2017 regular session, the proposed rule requires groups spending more than $1,000 for political advertising to file a report detailing the expense and the name and address of each contributor of more than $200 in the previous 12 months earmarked or made in response to a solicitation. If passed, the rule will become effective October 3, 2017.
The notice and proposed rule are available at http://www.sos.state.nm.us/Elections_Data/notice-of-proposed-rulemaking.aspx.
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