April 8, 2015 •
Maryland Governor Extends Session to Pass Budget
Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order to extend the legislative session beyond the expected adjournment date of April 13, 2015. Executive Order 01.01.2015.15 will extend the General Assembly session for no longer than 10 days to provide additional time […]
Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order to extend the legislative session beyond the expected adjournment date of April 13, 2015. Executive Order 01.01.2015.15 will extend the General Assembly session for no longer than 10 days to provide additional time for legislators to pass a budget.
During the 10-day extension, the budget bill is the only piece of legislation able to be debated among the General Assembly.
The state constitution provides for the governor to take such action when the budget bill has not been passed by the 83rd day of the regular legislative session.
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