January 20, 2016 •
Missouri Ethics Bill Moves through House Committee
Missouri House Bill 2166, just one of many ethics bills moving through the legislature, passed the Government Oversight and Accountability Committee on Tuesday and will be sent to the full House for further debate. The bill bans most lobbyist gifts […]
Missouri House Bill 2166, just one of many ethics bills moving through the legislature, passed the Government Oversight and Accountability Committee on Tuesday and will be sent to the full House for further debate. The bill bans most lobbyist gifts to state public officials and requires itemization of expenditures on lobbying reports for certain events unless all members of the legislature or all statewide elected officials are invited.
State Rep. Justin Alferman, the bill’s sponsor, says the proposal is designed to “alleviate some of the undue influence of lobbyists in Jefferson City.”
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.