November 28, 2016 •
Lawmakers File Legal Challenge Against South Dakota’s Initiated Measure 22
A group of Republican lawmakers filed a lawsuit in state court Wednesday, Nov. 23, to block the government ethics overhaul recently approved by voters. The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of Initiated Measure 22, which became effective last week restricting campaign […]
A group of Republican lawmakers filed a lawsuit in state court Wednesday, Nov. 23, to block the government ethics overhaul recently approved by voters.
The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of Initiated Measure 22, which became effective last week restricting campaign contributions and gifts from lobbyists. Gov. Dennis Daugaard says he supports repeal of the measure and he will not include money in his budget for the public campaign finance system called for by the new law.
November 23, 2016 •
2016 NCSL State Vote Recaps Campaign Finance Ballot Initiatives
The 2016 election was about a lot more than just a battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Across the country, states asked voters to consider a variety of ballot measures, including a few campaign finance issues. At the 2016 National Conference […]
The 2016 election was about a lot more than just a battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Across the country, states asked voters to consider a variety of ballot measures, including a few campaign finance issues. At the 2016 National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) State Vote seminar held in Washington, D.C., Wendy Underhill recapped a number of those issues and the decisions that voters made on Nov. 8.
Both California and Washington held votes related to the United States Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United vs. FEC. Voters approved ballot measures that urged government leaders to use their power to work to overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling, possibly through a constitutional amendment, if possible.
In Missouri, voters approved an initiative establishing limits on campaign contributions to candidates for state or judicial office; while in South Dakota, voters approved an initiative to create a publicly funded campaign finance program and an ethics commission.
For more from the NCSL State Vote seminar you can view some of the presentation slides here. To see a list of ballot measure election results of interest to government relations professionals, take a look at our 2016 election dashboard.
August 22, 2016 •
Campaigning Heats Up on S.D. Campaign Finance Ballot Measure
Americans for Prosperity, a political advocacy group backed by the Koch brothers, launched an aggressive campaign to defeat South Dakota’s Initiated Measure 22. IM 22 will appear on the November ballot and seeks to revise state campaign finance and lobbying […]
Americans for Prosperity, a political advocacy group backed by the Koch brothers, launched an aggressive campaign to defeat South Dakota’s Initiated Measure 22.
IM 22 will appear on the November ballot and seeks to revise state campaign finance and lobbying laws to increase transparency.
Americans for Prosperity successfully worked in the past to block other measures requiring disclosure of contributor identities in states including Georgia and California.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting