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Two Senate bills pertaining to Michigan election law were signed by Gov. Rick Snyder on February 19, 2015. Senate Bills 44 and 45 change the date of the presidential primary election to the second Tuesday in March. The bills will […]

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February 23, 2015  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying California: “California Ethics Panel Rejects Exceptions to Lobbyist Fundraising Rules” by Patrick McGreevy for Los Angeles Times Pennsylvania: “Lobbyists See Little Love from Pennsylvania’s Ethics Commission” by Rachel Martin for Watchdog.org Campaign Finance “Final Tally: 2014’s midterm was most […]

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February 5, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying “Top Frankfort Lobbyists Make Big Money … VERY Big” by Tom Loftus for Louisville Courier-Journal Missouri: “Ethics Amendment Sponsor Sees Little Chance for Effective Action by Lawmakers” by Rudi Keller for Columbia Daily Tribune Campaign Finance “Capitalizing on a […]

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Lobbying Missouri: “Missouri Lawmakers’ Steady Shift to Lobbying Raises Concerns with Critics” by Jason Hancock for Kansas City Star New Jersey: “Christie’s Overseas Travel Funded by Firms That Do Business with N.J.” by Shawn Boburg and Hugh Morley for Bergen […]

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February 2, 2015  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying Missouri: “Missouri House to Halt Committee Meetings at Country Clubs and Restaurants” by Kevin McDermott for St. Louis Post-Dispatch Washington: “Lawmakers Grouse about Free Meals Rule” by Jordan Schrader for Tacoma News Tribune Campaign Finance “National Donors Pick Winners […]

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Lobbying Indiana: “House Education Chair Robert Behning Backs Off Lobbying Plan” by Tom LoBianco for Indianapolis Star Kentucky: “Record $18M Spent Lobbying Legislature” by Tom Loftus for Louisville Courier-Journal Tennessee: “Lobbyists Spent Record Amount of $725K Last Year on ‘Wining […]

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Gov. Jerry Brown has announced special elections to fill vacancies in state Senate Districts 7, 21, and 37. The vacancies were created by departures of three former state senators to Congress. The special primary ballot is scheduled for March 17, […]

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Lobbying “L.A. Alliance for a New Economy Confirms Failure to Report Lobbying” by Emily Alpert Reyes for Los Angeles Times “In Unusual Arrangement, W.Va. Party Chairmen Double as Lobbyists” by David Gutman for Charleston Gazette Campaign Finance “Brian Foley Gets […]

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December 24, 2014  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “Waning Influence? Part 3: Ups and Downs, by Industry” by Dan Auble for Center for Responsive Politics “PSC Rejects FPL’s Lobbying Fee Request” by Susan Salisbury for Palm Beach Post “Boston-to-D.C. Flights Showcase Region’s Power Players” by Matt Viser […]

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Lobbying Arkansas: “Schools Rethinking Gifts to Arkansas Lawmakers Following Passage of Constitutional Amendment” by the Associated Press for Greenfield Reporter Florida: “Homestead’s Former Mayor Sentenced to 22 Months in Corruption Case” by David Ovalle and Melhor Marie Leonor for Miami […]

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December 18, 2014  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying “Republican Congress Lures Lobbyists Back to Capitol Hill” by Megan Wilson for The Hill “Mollis Adopts Hearing Officer’s Decision that Corso Engaged in Unregistered Lobbying Related to 38 Studios” by Jennifer Bogdon for Providence Journal Campaign Finance “Secretive Nonprofits […]

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December 4, 2014  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying “Ethics Panel Eyes Lawmakers’ Meals” in The Columbian Campaign Finance “New Study Finds Companies’ Campaign Donations Linked to Lower Tax Rates” by Debbie Freeman for Arizona State University “Ethics Panel Seeks Change in Law to Stop Candidates from Paying […]

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Lobbying “Bottom Line” in The Hill. “Job market cools for former lawmakers” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill. “Photojournalists hire lobbyists to work on drone rules” by Julian Hattem in The Hill. Maryland: “With Hogan coming, Annapolis lobbying firms […]

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Lobbying “Governors and Oil Industry Work Hand in Hand in Offshore Drilling Group” by Nicholas Kusnitz for Center for Public Integrity “Lobbyists Fund Hill Portraits as Lawmakers Target Paintings of Cabinet Members” by Robin Bravender for Environment & Energy Publishing […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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