constitutional amendment 2 Archives - State and Federal Communications

In November, New Mexico voters approved a constitutional amendment to Article 5 of the state’s constitution. Constitutional Amendment 2 creates an independent ethics commission with jurisdiction to investigate, adjudicate and issue advisory opinions concerning civil violations of laws governing ethics, […]

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New Mexico voters approved a constitutional amendment to Article 5 of the state’s constitution. Constitutional Amendment 2 creates an independent ethics commission with jurisdiction to investigate, adjudicate and issue advisory opinions concerning civil violations of laws governing ethics, standards of […]

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The Missouri Ethics Commission recently released a series of advisory opinions related to Constitutional Amendment 2. The amendment, passed by the voters in the November election, amended state campaign finance laws. The new advisory opinions address issues not fully articulated […]

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Constitutional Amendment 2, a reform measure approved in November, is facing a second legal challenge in federal court from plaintiffs who claim the amendment unconstitutionally restricts free speech and association. The suit was filed by Farmers State Bank and Herzog […]

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The 2016 election was about a lot more than just a battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Across the country, states asked voters to consider a variety of ballot measures, including a few campaign finance issues. At the 2016 National Conference […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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