January 6, 2017 •
Canadian Compliance Laws for Government Relations Professionals
Canadian Compliance Laws for Government Relations ProfessionalsTM, is for U.S.-based companies conducting or considering doing business in Canada; the United States’ largest trading partner. It is critical to know the compliance rules and regulations for lobbying, making campaign contributions, and […]
Canadian Compliance Laws for Government Relations ProfessionalsTM, is for U.S.-based companies conducting or considering doing business in Canada; the United States’ largest trading partner.
It is critical to know the compliance rules and regulations for lobbying, making campaign contributions, and procurement lobbying in Canada.
The Canadian governments, federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal, have unique lobbying and political activities laws and regulations that can be unlike those in the U.S., and this publication details listings and summaries of each applicable law with full descriptions of registration and reporting requirements.
Learn more about all of the Online Publications for Government Relations Professionals from State and Federal Communications, or try a free demo today to see all the ways this online publication can help you in your Canadian lobbying efforts.
March 14, 2016 •
Virginia General Assembly Adjourns Sine Die
The Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die on March 11, 2016, a day earlier than scheduled. Among its accomplishments is a new, two-year $105 billion budget and some adjustments to the new ethics rules passed last year. If approved by […]
The Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die on March 11, 2016, a day earlier than scheduled. Among its accomplishments is a new, two-year $105 billion budget and some adjustments to the new ethics rules passed last year.
If approved by the governor, lobbyists will file reports annually on July 1 for the preceding 12-month period, rather than the current semi-annual reporting, and items under $20 would be excluded from the definition of a gift.
Other, more extensive changes were proposed but were defeated in the House.
Photo of the Virginia State Capitol by Varmin on Wikimedia Commons.
June 29, 2015 •
Quebec National Assembly Proposes Lobbying Transparency Act
The National Assembly in Quebec has introduced new legislation proposing to strengthen and expand lobbying activities. Bill 56, titled the Lobbying Transparency Act, expands the scope of the definition of lobbyists to include shareholders lobbying for an entity as well […]
The National Assembly in Quebec has introduced new legislation proposing to strengthen and expand lobbying activities. Bill 56, titled the Lobbying Transparency Act, expands the scope of the definition of lobbyists to include shareholders lobbying for an entity as well as directors and officers of a non-profit. The bill also expands the types of activity considered to be lobbying.
Under Bill 56, all lobbying engaged in by enterprise or organization lobbyists triggers registration, not just those activities which represent a significant portion of his or her job, as is the threshold under current law. Making an appointment or setting up a meeting with a public office holder is considered lobbying under the proposed legislation.
Bill 56 requires each lobbyist to file a return before engaging in lobbying activity. This provision makes Quebec the only Canadian province to require registration prior to lobbying.
Finally, the bill imposes stricter penalties and higher fines on violators of the law.
October 1, 2014 •
2015 Information Added to State and Federal Communications Website
State and Federal Communications is pleased to announce the addition of 2015 legislative session and key dates information to its website. In the Lobbying Laws publication, the key dates information addresses all of the reports and registrations due in 2015. […]
State and Federal Communications is pleased to announce the addition of 2015 legislative session and key dates information to its website.
In the Lobbying Laws publication, the key dates information addresses all of the reports and registrations due in 2015. In the Political Contributions publication, the key dates address the reports due, the scheduled statewide elections, and, where dictated by the state, scheduled local elections.
This information has been added for the federal government, the states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Continue to watch the website for updates to the 2014 and 2015 key dates and for the addition of key dates information for local jurisdictions and for Canada.
August 24, 2011 •
Our Online Executive Source Guides
Our Online Executive Source Guides give you everything you need for your compliance work in one place!
State and Federal Communications is the most trusted source in the nation for comprehensive, accurate, and timely compliance information lobbying laws, political contributions, procurement lobbying, and Canadian Compliance for U.S. Companies.
Our Executive Source Guides cover every important jurisdiction – federal, all 50 states, and more than 200 municipalities. We cover Canada too!
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.