Campaign Finance Archives - Page 208 of 290 - State and Federal Communications

February 2, 2015  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying Missouri: “Missouri House to Halt Committee Meetings at Country Clubs and Restaurants” by Kevin McDermott for St. Louis Post-Dispatch Washington: “Lawmakers Grouse about Free Meals Rule” by Jordan Schrader for Tacoma News Tribune Campaign Finance “National Donors Pick Winners […]

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National: 5 Reasons State House Speakers May Be Prone to Corruption Governing – Alan Greenblatt | Published: 1/26/2015 New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who is accused of accepting bribes in the form of legal fees, is the fourth speaker of […]

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January 29, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying Federal: “Best Fly-In Ever: How to make the most of your D.C. visit” by Rebecca Gale for Roll Call Connecticut: “CT Lobbyist’s $10K Fine Stayed If He Behaves” in Hartford Business Journal Kansas: “Budget Director Sent E-mail from Private […]

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January 28, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “Lobbying Lawmakers with a Personal Touch” by Laurel Rosenhall for Sacramento Bee Kansas: “Kansas Ethics Official Supports Change to State Lobbying Laws” by Bryan Lowry for Wichita Eagle Missouri: “Missouri House Speaker Defends Country Club Committee Hearings” by Eli […]

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The contribution limit for Maine gubernatorial candidates has been increased by $75, from $1,500 to $1,575 per election. The contribution limit for county and municipal offices has been increased by $25, from $750 to $775 per election. The contribution limit […]

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The Ethics Commission has voted to approve legislative amendments to update, simplify, and improve the city’s Campaign Finance Reform Ordinance during a meeting on January 26, 2015. The amendments repeal aggregate contribution limits, simplify reporting requirements for corporations and committees, […]

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Lobbying Indiana: “House Education Chair Robert Behning Backs Off Lobbying Plan” by Tom LoBianco for Indianapolis Star Kentucky: “Record $18M Spent Lobbying Legislature” by Tom Loftus for Louisville Courier-Journal Tennessee: “Lobbyists Spent Record Amount of $725K Last Year on ‘Wining […]

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January 26, 2015  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying “K Street: We’re not the ‘boogeyman’” by Megan Wilson for The Hill “Out of Jack Abramoff’s Ashes” by Anna Palmer for Politico Missouri: “Ethics Bill Gets Early Hearing as Senate Leader Pushes Changes in Lobbying Rules” by Rudi Keller […]

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National: ‘Competitive Disadvantage’?: Pay-to-pay rules and the 2016 stakes NBC News – Carrie Dunn | Published: 1/15/2015 Governors may face a unique challenge when it comes to raising the big money it takes to be president from some of the most […]

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In a statement regarding the impact of a recent district court order, the Arizona Office of the Secretary of State said it is not currently enforcing the compliance provisions of campaign finance law. In December, the United States District Court […]

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The New York City Campaign Finance Board’s newly approved rules permitting candidates enrolled in the public matching funds program to receive contributions via text message took effect January 20, 2015. The rules permit public funds to match the text message […]

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January 22, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying “K Street’s Small Shops Are Winning Big” by Megan Wilson for The Hill Arizona: “Lawmaker Wants Lobbyists’ Compensation to Be Public Information” by Kristena Hansen for KJZZ Illinois: “Fioretti Wants to Rein in Lobbyists for Ethics Reform” by Fran […]

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City Council has cast the first of two required votes to increase contribution limits for officeholder accounts. Ordinance 15-0062 triples total permissible contributions per calendar year to city officeholder accounts to $30,000 for council members and to $75,000 for citywide […]

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January 21, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “The Wealthiest Are Getting Wealthier, and Lobbying Has a Lot to Do with It” by Simone Pathe for PBS “Poll Shows Wide Public Support for Lobbyist Disclosure” by Steve Terrell for Santa Fe New Mexican Campaign Finance “Supreme Court […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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