Campaign Finance Archives - Page 187 of 290 - State and Federal Communications

January 14, 2016  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying California: “Bill That Aimed to Shed Light on Specialty Prescription Drug Pricing Is Shelved” by Melanie Mason for Los Angeles Times Florida: “Stricter Lobbying, Employment, Ethics Rules Advance in Senate” by Steve Bousquet for Tampa Bay Times Campaign Finance […]

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The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, along with the county chief elections officer, has implemented an electronic filing system for campaign finance reporting. The electronic filing system is now available. Candidates and committees can file disclosures online, and the […]

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A task force on campaign finance reform has recommended changes to the Oregon Constitution which would allow limits to be placed on political contributions. The task force urged the Legislature to make the changes by approving a constitutional amendment allowing […]

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January 13, 2016  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying California: “Police Union Consultant May Still Be Lobbying for POA” by Jonah Owen Lamb for San Francisco Examiner West Virginia: “Proposed Changes to State Ethics Act Divide Lawmakers” by Phil Kabler for Charleston Gazette Campaign Finance “Undisclosed Dollars Dominate […]

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The city Ethics Board released new contribution limits for city candidates on January 11. Candidates for city offices may accept up to $3,000 in a calendar year from an individual contributor, an increase from the previous limit of $2,900. Groups […]

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On January 8, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office proposed changes to the state’s campaign finance law in order to make it simpler and easier to understand. Changes include revisions of the definitions of committee and election cycle and elimination […]

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Following questions about campaign spending practices and the conviction of former Secretary of State Diana Duran for misuse of campaign contributions, a new unit is being created to better enforce and explain the state’s campaign finance laws to legislators and […]

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On January 8, new Montana campaign finance rules requiring increased disclosure from candidates and committees were officially published and became effective. Political Practices Commissioner Jonathan Motl had formally filed the new administrative rules on November 24 with the secretary of […]

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Lobbying “State Legislatures Tweak Lobbying Rules as Influence Industry Targets Their Capitols” by Catherine Ho for Washington Post California: “A Lobbying Rule to Catch Up with the Times” by Laurel Rosenhall for CALmatters Florida: “Hillsborough Commissioners Must Now Carry 2 […]

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On January 9, a $10 increase in contribution limits for certain candidates becomes effective in the state of Montana. Pursuant to state statute, the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices, adjusting contribution limitations to reflect the consumer price index, […]

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This week, Governor Snyder signed Senate Bill 571, a bill that affects what public officials and organizations can and cannot do within 60 days of an election. The bill prohibits local officials from publicly discussing ballot proposals or millage issues […]

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National: National Liberal Groups to Push ‘Record’ Number of 2016 Ballot Measures Center for Public Integrity – Liz Essley Whyte | Published: 1/6/2016 Liberal groups working at the national level are using state ballot initiatives as their weapon of choice in […]

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January 7, 2016  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying New York: “Setting Precedent, Conflict of Interest Board Settle with Mark-Viverito” by Gloria Pazmino for Capital New York Campaign Finance “Court Declines Role in Campaign Finance Case” by Cameron Langford for Courthouse News Service “How Secretary of State Hillary […]

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City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has agreed to pay $7,000 to settle charges of campaign finance violations. Mark-Viverito was accused of accepting free consulting advice from a lobbyist in her efforts to land her position in 2013. In addition to […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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