March 12, 2014 •
Texas Rule Regarding Independent Expenditure-Only Committees Effective Today
A new Texas Ethics Commission Rule regarding contributions to direct campaign expenditure-only committees became effective today. Texas Ethics Commission Rule §22.5 requires a political committee intending to act exclusively as a direct campaign expenditure-only committee to file an affidavit with […]
A new Texas Ethics Commission Rule regarding contributions to direct campaign expenditure-only committees became effective today.
Texas Ethics Commission Rule §22.5 requires a political committee intending to act exclusively as a direct campaign expenditure-only committee to file an affidavit with the Texas Ethics Commission stating the committee intends to act exclusively as a direct campaign expenditure-only committee and will not use its contributions made to it to make political contributions to any candidate for elective office, any officeholder, or any political committee making a political contribution to a candidate or officeholder.
The new rule requires the committee file the statement before it can accept a political contribution from corporations or labor organizations.
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