campaign contributions Archives - Page 5 of 12 - State and Federal Communications

Gov. Matt Bevin approved changes to a campaign finance law yesterday, March 27, 2017. Senate Bill 75 doubles current contribution limits for individuals giving to candidates, state executive committees, and caucus campaign committees. The limit for individuals giving to PACs […]

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March 17, 2017  •  

News You Can Use Digest – March 17, 2017

      Federal: Admiral, Seven Others Charged with Corruption in New ‘Fat Leonard’ Indictment Washington Post – Craig Whitlock | Published: 3/14/2017 A retired U.S. Navy admiral and eight other high-ranking officers were indicted in a bribery scandal in which prosecutors say […]

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The Kentucky Legislature passed a bill this week to double the limits on contributions from individuals and PACs to candidates, state executive committees, and caucus campaign committees. Senate Bill 75, according to supporters, provides greater transparency and will make it […]

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A bill to raise the limit on what individuals may contribute to campaigns has passed the Kentucky Senate. Senate Bill 75, sponsored by Sen. Damon Thayer, doubles the limit for individuals giving to candidates, caucus committees, and political parties. The […]

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On February 16, several campaign finance bills were introduced in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. Introduced as a private member’s bill by British Columbia’s New Democratic Party Leader John Horgan, the “Get Big Money Out of Politics Act” legislation […]

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The Missouri Ethics Commission recently released a series of advisory opinions related to Constitutional Amendment 2. The amendment, passed by the voters in the November election, amended state campaign finance laws. The new advisory opinions address issues not fully articulated […]

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Rep. Knute Buehler is set to introduce two bills to restrict pay-to-play politics. House Joint Resolution 17 seeks to amend the Oregon Constitution to ban corporations, nonprofits and labor unions from making contributions to candidates or political action committees. House […]

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Vermont has increased contribution limits to candidates, PACs, and political parties. By statute, contribution limits are reevaluated and adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index. A 2.1 percent increase was implemented allowing statewide candidates and PACs to receive $4,080 per […]

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The Tennessee Registry of Election Finance recently published updated contribution limits for 2017 and 2018 elections. The limits are adjusted in every odd-numbered year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. Individuals may now contribute $4,000 per election to […]

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On Friday, February 3, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) published its price index adjustments for expenditure limitations and the federal lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold. The lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold has increased for 2017 from $17,600 to $17,900. This threshold amount […]

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Today, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) published the 2017-2018 election cycle contribution limits, which have been indexed for inflation. As required by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, the FEC must adjust certain contribution limits every two years. The […]

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Lobbying “Trump’s Trade Pick May Face Hurdle Over Past Lobbying for Brazil” by Bill Allison for “Trump Ethics Rules Curtail Lobbyists, While Also Loosening Some Obama Restrictions” by Matea Gold for Washington Post Tennessee: “In Tennessee, Lobbyists’ Employers Face […]

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Corpus Christi, Texas City Council will meet Tuesday to discuss new recommendations to the ethics code to further tighten rules for City Council members. The Council unanimously approved the new code during a first vote last week. If approved on […]

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January 16, 2017  •  

Monday Government Relations News Roundup

Lobbying Florida: “NRA’s Influence with Florida Lawmakers Is Powerful” by Steve Bousquet (Tampa Times) for Bradenton Herald Campaign Finance “Trump Tweet About L. L. Bean Underscores Potential Danger for Brands” by Daniel Victor for The New York Times California: “State […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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