ballot measure Archives - State and Federal Communications

Voters will decide whether to pass a ballot measure this upcoming November election which would tighten the city’s public ethics laws. Ballot Measure OO would establish and revise various requirements of the Public Ethics Commission and its members. It would […]

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A newly filed ballot measure has been introduced to reestablish campaign contribution limits in Alaska. In 2021, a federal appeals court struck down most of Alaska contribution limits on First Amendment grounds. The ballot measure would cap contributions at $2,000 […]

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Arizona State Flag

On November 8, Arizona voters will decide on a campaign finance ballot measure that would require disclosing names of original campaign donors. Proposition 211 would require that anyone making independent expenditures of more than $50,000 on a statewide campaign or […]

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The 73rd Colorado General Assembly adjourned sine die May 11. During the session, legislation related to campaign finance was introduced. House Bill 1060 was passed, creating aggregate limits on candidates for school district director from persons other than small donor […]

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The City Council approved a November ballot measure relating to contributions and gifts from lobbyists. The proposed measure would bar lobbyists from making campaign contributions. The mayor, council members, and senior administrators would also be barred from accepting gifts from […]

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Ann Arbor voters approved a ballot measure to increase terms for mayor and city council to four years (Proposal 1). The ballot proposal will have the mayor and five city council seats elected in even-numbered years coinciding with Michigan gubernatorial […]

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Proponents of the Voters Right to Know Act suspended their campaign for a California ballot measure to trace dark money and tighten lobbying and campaign finance regulations. Jim Heerwagen, who led the campaign, said he is ending the work on […]

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South Dakota Rep. Jim Bolin believes ballot initiatives should require support from voters across the state prior to being added to a ballot. He plans to introduce a bill limiting the number of signatures from the state’s three largest counties […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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