March 9, 2018 •
New York Assembly Introduces Pay-To-Play Bill
On March 2, 2018, Assembly Bill 9968 was introduced by Assemb. Sandy Galef. The bill prohibits business entities with state contracts of more than $15,000 from making monetary, in-kind contributions, or a pledge of contribution in excess of $1,000 to […]
On March 2, 2018, Assembly Bill 9968 was introduced by Assemb. Sandy Galef.
The bill prohibits business entities with state contracts of more than $15,000 from making monetary, in-kind contributions, or a pledge of contribution in excess of $1,000 to an individual who holds a position of an elected state public office, a candidate for an elected state public office, or a state, county, or municipal political party, if the contract will be voted on or approved by such an individual.
The prohibition is for the preceding 12-month period before a contract is awarded. If passed, the bill will become effective 90 days after becoming law.
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