April 9, 2012 •
Breaking News: American League of Lobbyists Approves Stricter Rules
Recommendations to Congress promote more transparency and accountability from lobbyists.
Following a board meeting, American League of Lobbyists President Howard Marlowe announced the group has approved rules that would require more people to register as lobbyists, as well as other transparency measures.
For full news coverage, be sure to read: “Lobbyists OK Lobbying Reform Proposals”by Andrew Joseph in the National Journal.
According to the National Journal: “The reforms, more than a year in the making, include lowering the registration thresholds, mandating that lobbyists who work for state and local governments or religious organizations register, and shifting enforcement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office to the Justice Department.
The plan would require a person who spends 10 percent of their time lobbying to register as a lobbyist, down from the current 20 percent threshold. And it lowers the number of paid lobbying contacts a lobbyist can have per quarter before registering from two to one. The proposal also shortens the registration window from 45 days to 20 days and would require all lobbyists to undergo ethics training and attend a refresher course every five years. The proposal preserves exemptions for citizen lobbyists.”
Here is the American League of Lobbyists press release.
Also read: “American League of Lobbyists suggests new rules” by Abby Phillip in Politico.
“American League of Lobbyists Announces Tougher Lobbying Rules” by Andrew Ramonas in The Blog of Legal Times.
March 14, 2012 •
American League of Lobbyists Writes to President Obama
The organization connects the president’s anti-lobbyist position with an increase in unregistered lobbying.
Howard Marlowe, president of the American League of Lobbyists, recently sent a letter to President Obama asking him to change his tone toward lobbyists and the lobbying profession. The organization is making a connection between the administration’s anti-lobbyist rhetoric and the rising number of unregistered lobbyists.
Whether they are calling themselves consultants or advisers, Marlowe points out that these people are lobbying and their activity thus goes on without any oversight:
“Those who are not registered are protected from discovery by the lack of an effective enforcement mechanism. Our primary concern with incentivizing deregistration is that the public loses knowledge of who these people are lobbying, who is paying for their advocacy work, how much they are being paid, and what issues are they being paid to work on.”
For full news coverage, please read “Lobbyists to Obama: Tone down the rhetoric!” by Byron Tau in Politico.
Photo of the White House by UpstateNYer on Wikipedia.
February 3, 2012 •
American League of Lobbyists Against Part of STOCK Act
President Howard Marlowe gives statement
The American League of Lobbyists opposes the part of the recently-passed STOCK Act that requires political intelligence operatives to register under LDA requirements. They say it would impede their reform efforts to close loopholes.
For news coverage, read: “Lobbyist League Opposes STOCK Act Language on Political Intelligence Operatives” by Kate Ackley in Roll Call.
December 22, 2011 •
American League of Lobbyists Is Against Abramoff Teaching Ethics in Kentucky
The American League of Lobbyists says Jack Abramoff was never a lobbyist and is asking the Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission to “rescind its invitation” to have him speak at their January ethics training.
For full news coverage of the group’s statement, read “Trade group says Abramoff shouldn’t teach ethics” by Catalina Camia in USA Today.
According to the article: “To have a state-run, government ethics commission give this ex-con a paid platform sends the public the wrong message about the Kentucky Legislature,” Howard Marlowe, president of the American League of Lobbyists, said in a statement. “I doubt that many of the lawmakers will want to have their picture taken with this crook.”
Here is the League’s press release on Scribd.
December 14, 2011 •
American League of Lobbyists Hosted Discussion on Citizens United
ALL posted videos from the October 28 forum
The American League of Lobbyists recently posted two videos on their YouTube channel from an October event where they invited Tim Farnum and Peter Overby to speak about Citizens United and soft money in the 2012 elections. ALL President Howard Marlowe was the moderator.
According to the site, “On Friday, October 28th, 2011 the American League of Lobbyists hosted two award winning journalists, Tim Farnum of the Washington Post and Peter Overby of NPR, for a discussion about the role that ‘soft money’ will play in the 2012 elections.”
Part 1
Part 2
November 21, 2011 •
ALL’s Annual Meeting Brings New Lineup of Officers
The American League of Lobbyists (ALL) held their Annual Meeting on November 16 and selected a new slate of officers and directors.
Howard Marlowe is the new president. For the whole list of the new lineup, ALL offered this press release on November 18, 2011.
Catherine Ho writes in the Washington Post how the organization is ready to defend the profession of lobbying in 2012. Here is her article, “American League of Lobbyists regroups, heads into 2012 under new director,” from November 20, 2011.
Photo of the United States Capitol Rotunda by UpstateNYer on Wikipedia.
September 28, 2011 •
The American League of Lobbyists Speaks Out
The group makes a statement against new gift ban proposal
On Monday, the American League of Lobbyists (ALL) made a statement against a new Obama administration proposal restricting lobbyists’ gifts to executive branch employees. It would also restrict those employees’ attendance to certain events sponsored by lobbyists, companies, and organizations.
Howard Marlowe, president of the organization, states: “The American League of Lobbyists strongly objects to this proposed rule and asks that it be withdrawn immediately. The Administration has offered no reports of even a single abuse of its current regulations to warrant the severe restrictions it has proposed on the mutual flow of information and expertise between lobbyists, their employers, and Federal workers.”
Here is a draft summary of the Obama administration’s proposed rule.
The “Lobbying in the News” page for ALL lists these three articles covering the news:
- “Lobbyists object to Obama proposal that would tighten rules for federal workers,” by T.W. Farnam in the Washington Post.
- “Lobby league opposes Obama rule,” by Anna Palmer and Dave Levinthal on the Politico Influence page.
- “Lobbyists’ group objects to new rule banning gifts to all federal employees,” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.
You can keep up with the latest discussions on the American League of Lobbyists Twitter feed (@LobbyistsLeague).
December 3, 2010 •
New American League of Lobbyists Video
According to the ALL Facebook, the video was released today at their annual meeting.
State and Federal Communications Research Associate George Ticoras alerted me to a video from the American League of Lobbyists called “What is lobbying and why is it important?” I thought I would share it with you!
The video says: “On behalf of all Americans who have a stake in their government, the League addresses challenges that affect the rights of individuals and groups to make their views known about issues that affect our country. It provides a voice for lobbyists and works to ensure that those who engage in lobbying follow established ethics and rules.”
ALL President Dave Wenhold added:”Our mission is to enhance the development, professionalism, and high ethical standards for the advocates in the public policy arena.” Enjoy the video:
November 18, 2010 •
See Us in Person
Plan to say hello at future events where State and Federal Communications will be attending and/or speaking regarding compliance issues.
November 20-23, 2010 – SGAC Leaders’ Policy Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona
November 30, 2010 – American League of Lobbyists Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
December 3 – 5, 2010 – CSG National Conference, Providence, Rhode Island
December 5-8, 2010 – 2010 COGEL Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
December 8-11, 2010 – NCSL Fall Forum, Phoenix, Arizona
December 14, 2010 – Women in Government Relations PACs, Politics and Grassroots Conference, Washington, D.C.
December 14, 2010 – SGAC Holiday Party, Washington, D.C.
January 9-13, 2011 – PAC Public Affairs Institute, Laguna Beach, California
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.