California Legislature Looking for Answers to Ethics Violations - State and Federal Communications

February 13, 2014  •  

California Legislature Looking for Answers to Ethics Violations


Following recent scandals involving the Legislature, the leader of the Senate has assembled a group of lawmakers to recommend changes in state ethics and campaign laws. Senate President Darrell Steinberg formed the Senate Ethics Working Group after controversies including allegations of bribery against Sen. Ronald Calderon and a proposed fine of $40,000 for campaign money laundering against Sen. Tom Berryhill.

In the Assembly, a recent six-figure fine against one of the state’s top lobbyists has motivated Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia to propose a ban on lobbyist in-home fundraisers.

Lobbyists currently may host private fundraisers in their home as long they cost less than $500, even though lobbyists cannot directly give more than $10 per month in gifts directly to elected officials.


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