Alaska Legislature Makes iPhone App Available - State and Federal Communications

February 17, 2012  •  

Alaska Legislature Makes iPhone App Available

Alaska iPhone appGood news iPhone owners! NCSL’s blog just noted the Alaska Legislature has come out with an app allowing you to keep up with legislative news on your phone. Best of all, it is free!

According to the blog, this is what you will find: “The app provides information on committee schedules, bill status, the house and senate calendars, and contact information of every legislator in both chambers. It also allows the user to stream committee hearings directly from your phone and watch the proceedings in real time.”

Be sure to take look at “New Alaska iPhone App” by Morgan Cullen on The Thicket.

Here is the iTunes App Store page with The Alaska Legislature App.

Thank you to Research Associate George Ticoras for pointing me in the direction of this news.

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