Sessions Confirmed as U.S. Attorney General, Controversy Surrounds Bentley’s Replacement - State and Federal Communications

February 13, 2017  •  

Sessions Confirmed as U.S. Attorney General, Controversy Surrounds Bentley’s Replacement

File-AL-Luther-Strange-Formal-PhotoU.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed as President Trump’s attorney general on February 8, 2017.

To fill the Senate vacancy, Gov. Robert Bentley has appointed state Attorney General Luther Strange to succeed Sessions. Bentley’s appointee will serve the U.S. Senate with 22 months of incumbency until the next general election.

Some controversy surrounds Bentley’s appointment; state Auditor Jim Ziegler filed a written request with Bentley opposing his decision to appoint a replacement and hold off with special elections until November 2018.

Ziegler cited Alabama code stating a special election could only be delayed until the next regular election if the senate vacancy occurred within four months of the next regular election.

Photo of Senator Luther Strange from the State of Alabama website.

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