Living Interns in Akron: A Nine-Part Mini-Story - State and Federal Communications

July 6, 2012  •  

Living Interns in Akron: A Nine-Part Mini-Story

David JonesOn the other side of the building, through a couple doors and down the hall is David Jones. David, at times, goes by Davey: Jones, or Crockett. A sophomore at Stark State in Canton, he studies Cisco Administration.

Davey stays busy being helpful. He fixes his family’s computers, he says, and upgrades his own. Sometimes he works on cars, and he takes things pretty easy over the summer.

For lunch, it seems he eats a very specific meal of turkey with pepper jack cheese, cherry yogurt, and an apple. David admits that this field is “far more complicated than I originally thought. Politics and lobbying in general are very complex subjects that I understand nothing about.”

This is David’s second job; he used to work food service back in his hometown—Norton, Ohio. He is excited to work here.

“I love it here,” he said. “It’s actually my field.” David works in IT, and is good at it.

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