Wednesday Government Relations News - State and Federal Communications

February 4, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News


Campaign Finance

North Carolina: “Audit: Elections board spent nearly $1 million for nothing” by Craig Jarvis for Raleigh News & Observer

Wisconsin: “Federal Judge’s Judgment Takes John Doe Probe off Life Support” by M.D. Kittle for


How Did Politics Get So Personal?” by Thomas Edsall for New York Times

How and Why Retired Politicians Get Lucrative Appointments on Corporate Boards” by Maxwell Palmer and Benjamin Schneer for Washington Post

California: “California’s Top Political Ethics Cop Resigns” by Laurel Rosenhall for Sacramento Bee

New York: “Pushing Ethics Reforms, Cuomo Wants Lawmakers to Reveal Income or Lose It” by Alexander Burns and Susanne Craig for New York Times

Rhode Island: “House Will Once Again Mull Two Proposals to Restore Ethics Commission’s Authority over State Lawmakers” by Jennifer Bogdon for Providence Journal


Measles Prove Delicate Issue to GOP Field” by Jeremy Peters and Richard Pérez-Peña for New York Times

Legislative Issues

Nevada: “Assemblyman May Be Extortion Victim, Police Say” by Ray Hagar for Reno Gazette-Journal

New York: “Heastie Is Elected Speaker of New York Assembly” by Jesse McKinley for New York Times

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