Wednesday Government Relations News - State and Federal Communications

May 20, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News


EU: “A Test of the EU’s Revolving Door” by James Panichi for Politico

Critics Hear E.P.A.’s Voice in ‘Public Comments’” by Eric Lipton and Coral Davenport for New York Times

Louisiana: “Lobbyists Pay for Louisiana Officials’ Trip, Recipients Don’t Disclose It” by Lee Zurik (WVUE) and Ben Myers for New Orleans Times-Picayune

Maryland: “Maryland Changes Rules Again on Political Contribution Disclosure by Government Contractors; Lobbyist-Employers Also Affected” by Lawrence Norton, Ronald Jacobs, and Julie McConnell for Lexology

Campaign Finance

New Jersey: “N.J. Election Watchdog Gets New Member, but Remains Short-Staffed” by Ted Sherman (NJ Advance Media) for Newark Star-Ledger

Wisconsin: “Records Indicate Scott Walker Was Copied on Letter Promising Loan to Donor” by Jason Stein and Patrick Marley for Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Clinton Friend’s Libya Role Blurs Lines of Politics and Business” by Nicholas Confessore and Michael Schmidt for New York Times

Arkansas: “Fiscal 2016 Budget Cut Vexes Ethics Panel Chief” by Spencer Willems for Arkansas Online

Kansas: “Gov. Sam Brownback Also Used Private E-Mail Address to Communicate with Staff” by Bryan Lowry for Wichita Eagle

New York: “Albany Corruption Inquiry Hurts Arizona Company That Hired Dean Skelos’s Son” by Susanne Craig for New York Times

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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