Wednesday Campaign Finance, Lobbying, and Ethics News Summary - State and Federal Communications

June 27, 2012  •  

Wednesday Campaign Finance, Lobbying, and Ethics News Summary

newsCampaign Finance

Campaign money case could propel more deregulation” by Jack Gillum on CBS News.

Inquiry Looks Into a Shield for Donors in Elections” by Nicholas Confessore in The New York Times.

Social Fundraising Platform Rally Grows With A New Round of $7.9 Million” by Sarah Lai Stirland in TechPresident.

Will Ct. now see gusher of campaign bucks?” by Ken Dixon in the Connecticut Post.


K Street Files: Lobbyists Prep for SCOTUS Ruling” by Kate Ackley in Roll Call.

Lobbying World” in The Hill.

The lion’s aide on K Street” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.

Hawaii professional employer organizations to form lobbying group” by Lynn Nakagawa in the Pacific Business News.

Government Ethics

Outsider Privy to Ethics Case” by Amanda Becker in Roll Call.

Georgia: “Candidates late, confused on filing requirements” by Crystal Tatum in the Newton Citizen.

From the State Legislatures

Cook, Rove, Zandi Address Legislators at June 2012 Leaders Meeting” by Alex Fitzsimmons on NCSL’s The Thicket.

Illinois: “Illinois lawmakers consider expulsion of Rep. Derrick Smith” by The Associated Press in the State Journal-Register.

Oklahoma:  “Oklahoma elections: Most incumbent House members win contests” by Michael McNutt in The Oklahoman.

Open Government

R.I. open-government advocates hail improvement to public-records law” by Karen Lee Ziner in the Providence Journal.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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