Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update - State and Federal Communications

October 29, 2013  •  

Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update

K StreetLobbying

K Street king mulls ‘going global’” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.

From Cantor to K Street” by Eric Wasson in The Hill.

Bring in the clowns: Lobby groups try fun and games” by Emily Goodin in The Hill.

Canada: “Lobbying watchdog hands down first ever suspension” by Kady O’Malley in CBC News.

New Mexico: “Report compares votes, industry lobbying figures” by Steve Terrell in The Santa Fe New Mexican.

North Carolina: “Longtime lobbyists start new ventures” by Laura Leslie in WRAL.

Texas: “Ethics commission to hold confidential hearing on lobbyists” by Ross Ramsey in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal.

Campaign Finance

District of Columbia: “Ending pay-to-play in D.C.” editorial in The Washington Post.

New York: “Moreland Commission targets campaign-finance law enforcement” by Paul LaRocco in Newsday.

Pennsylvania: “Harrisburg mayoral candidates skirt campaign finance rules” by Emily Previti in The Patriot-News.


Federal Election Commission Returns to Full Membership” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.

Ex-U.S. Rep. Rick Renzi gets 3-year prison term” by The Associated Press in Politico.

New Hampshire:  “N.H. ethics panel opens investigation into Sen. Peter Bragdon’s hiring by LGC” by Ben Leubsdorf in the Concord Monitor.

Tech and Social Media

Why States Need Social Media Policies” by Melissa Maynard in Stateline.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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