Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update - State and Federal Communications

May 19, 2015  •  

Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update

K StreetLobbying

American Chemistry Council Lied about Lobbying Role on Flame Retardants, Consultant Says” by David Heath for Center for Public Integrity

Louisiana: “Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association Shells Out for Officials’ Stay at Resort” by Lee Zurik (WVUE) and Ben Myers for New Orleans Times-Picayune

Campaign Finance

Guinta Apologizes, Maintains Innocence about Campaign Cash” by Holly Ramer (Associated Press) for Miami Herald

‘Campaigns’ Aren’t Necessarily Campaigns in the Age of ‘Super PACs’” by Nicholas Confessore and Eric Lichtblau for New York Times

West Virginia: “W.Va. Election Commission Approves Changes for Nonpartisan Judicial Elections” by Phil Kabler for Charleston Gazette

Wisconsin: “Supreme Court Declines to Hear Lawsuit Seeking to Block John Doe Probe” by Patrick Marley and Jason Stein for Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Georgia: “Deal Bends Rules for Ga. Chamber’s Gala at the Capitol” by Walter Jones for Savannah Morning News

New York: “Capitol Scandals Raise Tough Questions for New York Governor” by David Klepper (Associated Press) for WRAL

Texas: “Analysis: Ethics at center stage, hurting for attention” by Ross Ramsey for Texas Tribune


Clinton Is Banking on the Obama Coalition to Win” by Anne Gearan for Washington Post

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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