Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update - State and Federal Communications

July 15, 2014  •  

Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update

K StreetLobbying

Accepting Resumes! AGRP Executive Director Position” from the Association of Government Relations Professionals Blog.

Bottom Line” in The Hill.

Rhode Island: “GOP Candidates Wants Tougher Lobbying and Ethics Law in RI” by Mark Curtis on WLNE TV News.

Virginia: “Va. hospital group spends $400,000 on lobbying” by Alan Suderman (Associated Press) on WTOP.

Campaign Finance

House Democrats to unveil campaign finance amendment” by Lauren French in Politico.

How to Raise $5 Million Online For Campaign Finance Reform: Why MayDay PAC Succeeded” by Ben Winkler in TechPresident.

DeMint rakes in Heritage cash” by Alexander Bolton in The Hill.

New York: “Rolling updates: NYC Campaign Finance Board filings” by Celeste Katz on NY Daily News.

Ohio: “Ben Suarez asks federal judge to throw out obstruction of justice conviction or grant new trial” by James F. McCarty in The Plain Dealer.

South Carolina: “House Speaker Harrell uses campaign funds to pay Charleston attorneys” by Jeremy Borden in The Post and Courier.


Partisan Activities of Lerner Co-Worker at FEC” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.


North Carolina: “NC voters see runoff primaries in 37 counties” by The Associated Press on WSOC TV.


Interactive: Understanding congressional redistricting” by The Associated Press in the Wisconsin State Journal.

New Jersey: “Top Assembly Republican wants redistricting do-over” by Matt Friedman in The Star Ledger.

Texas: “Texas accused of purposely excluding minorities in redistricting” by Will Weissert (Associated Press) in The Dallas Morning News.

Texas: “The Source: Texas Redistricting Back In San Antonio Federal Court” by Paul Flahive on Texas Public Radio.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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