Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update - State and Federal Communications

November 12, 2013  •  

Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update

K StreetLobbying

Bottom Line” in The Hill.

Top Financial Lobbyist Exits” by Alan Zibel in The Wall Street Journal.

Number of lobbyists taking jobs in Congress plummets” by Susan Davis in USA Today.

Twitter’s handle on D.C. evolving” by Alex Byers in Politico.

Ottawa, Canada: “Lobbyist registry glitches being worked out, integrity commissioner says” by Derek Spalding in the Ottawa Citizen.

Ottawa, Canada: “Lobbyist registry ‘useful,’ watchdog reports” by Jon Willing in the Ottawa Sun.

Campaign Finance

FEC poised to allow Bitcoin campaign donations” by Byron Tau in Politico.

Bitcoins Could Prove to Be Windfall — or Bust — for Political Campaigns” by Eliza Newlin Carney in Roll Call.

Massachusetts: “Campaign bill would order fast disclosure of donors” by Michael Levenson in The Boston Globe.

Michigan: “Michigan proposal would double limits on individual donations to political candidates” by Jonathan Oosting in MLive.com.

Minnesota: “Minnesota campaign finance regulators’ database isn’t adding up” by Glenn Howatt and Rachel E. Stassen-Berger in the Star Tribune.

Missouri: “Former Mo. Rep. McGeoghegan fined by Ethics Commission for 2012 campaign materials” by The Associated Press in The Republic.

Montana: “Montana judge considers fine for political group as attorney asks to be removed” by Matt Gouras (Associated Press) in The Republic.

New Hampshire: “New Hampshire lawmaker may seek higher campaign spending limits” by The Associated Press in The Republic.

New York: “Refigure campaign financing” editorial by Cynthia DiBartolo in the Times Union.

Virginia: “Leftover campaign money can fund almost anything in Virginia” by Kathryn Watson in Watchdog.org.


Alaska: “Legislative Ethics Committee Says Senator Hoffman Failed To Disclose Income” by Ben Matheson in Alaska Public Media.

Mississippi: “Newspaper wants ruling from Ethics Commission on emails” by The Associated Press in the Mississippi Business Journal.

Ohio: “Lack of oversight over JobsOhio raises concerns for ethics commission, auditor, now high court” by Julie Carr Smyth (Associated Press) in The Republic.


Iowa: “Libertarian Mayor in Iowa Re-Elected Despite His Wishes” by Richard Winger in Ballot Access News.

Ohio: “Libertarians file legal challenge against Ohio’s new rules for minor political parties; Greens may follow suit” by Jeremy Pelzer in The Plain Dealer.

Tech and Social Media

Pennsylvania: “Website redesign shines more light on Capitol” by Melissa Daniels in The Tribune-Review.

Virginia: “Going Beyond the Boundaries of the Obama Digital Model in Virginia” by Miranda Neubauer in TechPresident.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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