Transparency and Lobbying Bill Signed by New Mexico Governor - State and Federal Communications

March 1, 2016  •  

Transparency and Lobbying Bill Signed by New Mexico Governor

New Mexico flagGov. Martinez has signed legislation designed to standardize electronic reporting for candidate, lobbyist, and political committee filings. Intended to increase transparency and make it easier to access public records, House Bill 105 creates an electronic database that will be searchable, contain cross-references, and allow the public to download records for their own analysis.

The bill also requires lobbyists to notify the state of amended filings or termination of the lobbyist’s employment within one week of the occurrence. Additionally, the bill changes reporting dates from May 1 to the first Wednesday after the first Monday in May, and adds a reporting date of the first Wednesday after the first Monday in October.

The bill also requires individuals receiving contributions reported by lobbyists to receive automatic electronic notice of the contributions within 24 hours of the lobbyist’s filed report.

Portions of the bill will go into effect on July 1, 2016, with the remaining provisions effective as of December 15, 2017.

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