September 19, 2019 •
Thursday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
Maryland: “Maryland Political Consultant Pleads Guilty in Fraud Scheme Involving ‘Scam PACs’” by Martin Weil for Washington Post
Arizona: “Ballot Proposal Seeks to Block Lawmakers from Voting on Issues They Benefit From” by Howard Fischer (Capitol News Services) for Arizona Daily Star
Mississippi: “Mississippi AG Investigates His Rival in Governor’s Race” by Reid Wilson for The Hill
Pennsylvania: “Pa. Sen. Folmer Resigns Day After Being Charged with Possession of Child Pornography” by Jan Murphy for PennLive
Texas: “VisitDallas: Suite passes don’t have to be reported” by Steve Miller for Texas Monitor
Wyoming: “307 Politics: Debating the merits of a Wyoming ethics commission, Cheney at war and other news” by Nick Reynolds for Casper Star Tribune
National: “Lobbyist Registry May Become Available This Week” by Giovanna Garolfalo for Weekly Journal
National: “Trump Outpaces Obama, Bush in Naming Ex-Lobbyists to Cabinet” by Richard Lardner for AP News
Oklahoma: “‘If We Lie to a Legislator, We Are Dead’: Oklahoma lobbyists form association” by Tres Savage for NonDoc
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