Thursday's Government Relations and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

February 16, 2017  •  

Thursday’s Government Relations and Ethics News

K StreetLobbying

Oregon: “Oregon Measure Would Require More Disclosure from Lobbyists” by Chris Lehman for KUOW

South Carolina: “Unlimited No More: House votes to cap lobbyist gifts” by Dana Ferguson for Sioux Falls Argus Leader

Vermont: “Scott Administration Discourages Fraternizing with Lawmakers, Lobbyists” by Neal Goswami for Vermont Press Bureau

Campaign Finance

Kentucky: “More Money? No Problem. Senate Committee Passes Bill to Increase Contribution Limits” by Daniel Desrochers for Lexington Herald-Leader

Missouri: “Campaign Contribution Law Bans Corporation Donations to All Candidates” by Benjamin Peters for Missouri Times


The New Political Battleground: Your restaurant receipt” by Maura Judkis for Washington Post

Ethics Watchdog Says Conway’s Endorsement of Ivanka Trump Products Is ‘Clear Violation’” by Richard Pérez-Peña for New York Times

Who is Donald McGahn, the Fiery Lawyer at the Center of Virtually Every Trump Controversy?” by Matt Zapotosky and Sari Horwitz for Washington Post

Flynn Departure Erupts into a Full-Blown Crisis for the Trump White House” by Karen DeYoung, Abby Phillip, and Jenna Johnson for Washington Post

New Jersey: “N.J. Election Agency Could Soon Fill Key Posts” by Salvador Rizzo for Bergen Record

South Dakota: “Candy-Filled ‘Gift’ Watches to Legislators Cause Uproar” by Bob Mercer for Rapid City Journal


Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts with Russian Intelligence” by Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo for New York Times

Legislative Issues

Andrew Puzder Withdraws Nomination for Labor Secretary” by Ed O’Keefe and Jonnelle Marte for Washington Post

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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