Thursday's Government and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

April 26, 2018  •  

Thursday’s Government and Ethics News

Campaign Finance

National: “Watchdog Sues Paul Ryan-Aligned Dark Money Group” by Maggie Severns for Poltico

Ohio: “Lack of Campaign Fundraising Caps, Tracking Issues at City Hall Raise Concerns” by Doug Caruso and Rick Rouan for Columbus Dispatch

Rhode Island: “Mattiello Is Ordered to Repay $72K to Leadership PAC” by Katherine Gregg for Providence Journal

Tennessee: “Tennessee Lawmakers Still ‘Double-Dipping’ After Warning from Campaign Finance Official” by Joel Ebert for The Tennessean

Wisconsin: “Want to Give Digital Currency to a Political Campaign? State Ethics Panel Mulls If and How” by Mark Sommerhauser for Wisconsin State Journal


National: “Mulvaney, Watchdog Bureau’s Leader, Advises Bankers on Ways to Curtail Agency” by Glenn Thrush for New York Times

New Jersey: “Video Shows Port Authority Commissioner Telling Cops: ‘You may shut the f— up!’” by Ted Sherman (NJ Advance Media) for Newark Star-Ledger


National: “Skadden Lawyer Craig Leaves Firm After Inquiry on Ukraine Report” by Greg Farrell for

Kentucky: “Metro Council Member Doubles as Lobbyist in Frankfort” by Joe Sonka for Insider Louisville


National: “Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Texas Redistricting” by Rafael Bernal for The Hill

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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