Thursday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

June 11, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

blue diamondLobbying

Rhode Island: “RI’s Biggest Spending Special Interest Groups at the Statehouse” by Stephen Beale for

Campaign Finance

The IRS Chief’s Mistake about ‘Dark Money’” by Miriam Galston for Washington Post


Florida: “Ethics Panel: Carroll misreported income” by Brandon Larrabee (News Service of Florida) for Tallahassee Democrat

Florida: “Ex-Congressman’s Top Aide to plead Guilty to Breaking Election Law” by Jay Weaver for Miami Herald

Hawaii: “Ethics Director Survives Political Challenge” by Ian Lind for Honolulu Civil Beat


Eyeing 2016, G.O.P Embraces Digital Strategies, but Doubts Persist” by Ashley Parker for New York Times

How Jeb Bush’s Campaign Ran off Course before It Even Began” by Ed O’Keefe and Robert Costa for Washington Post

Legislative Issues

Sen. Johnny Isakson Discloses He Has Parkinson’s Disease” by Mike DeBonis for Washington Post

Maine: “Closed Door: Legislators conducting public business in private despite state’s open meeting law” by John Christie (Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting) for Pine Tree Watchdog

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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