St. Louis, Missouri Aldermen Introduce Lobbyist, Campaign Finance Reforms - State and Federal Communications

May 16, 2019  •  

St. Louis, Missouri Aldermen Introduce Lobbyist, Campaign Finance Reforms

St. Louis Gateway Arch - Daniel Schwen [CC BY-SA 4.0]

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen will introduce three city charter amendments on May 17 addressing ethics and campaign finance restrictions.

The proposed reforms would ban lobbyists from giving gifts of more than $5 to city elected officials.

The amendments would also restrict individuals or entities seeking city contracts from donating to a candidate for a city elected office between 90 days before the city seeks bidders and 90 days after the contract has been awarded.

The package would further bar contributions to candidates for city office made with the intent to conceal the identify of such donations’ actual source.

This restriction would apply to contributions made to committees that donate to a candidate’s campaign.

If endorsed by the board, the three city charter amendments would go before voters who must approve by a three-fifths majority at the November 2020 election.

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