Recommendations Made to Change RI Lobbying Laws - State and Federal Communications

March 3, 2015  •  

Recommendations Made to Change RI Lobbying Laws

Restarting Rhode Island reportRhode Island Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea’s transition committee has issued recommendations “to improve the public’s perception of their government.”

In the committee’s report, they endorse the creation of a lobbying task force to “guide efforts to strengthen, simplify and clarify Rhode Island’s lobbying law.” Calling the current lobbying laws antiquated, the committee recommends increasing both the fines for violations and the fees for registration. The report argues the increases “will help incentivize lobbyists to be compliant” with the state’s laws. Other recommendations include overhauling the Lobby Tracker reporting system, more “robust” education about the lobbying laws, and increased oversight of lobbyists.

The report makes other policy suggestions unrelated to lobbying, such as reviewing the photo ID requirement at polling places for its possible impact on suppressing voter turnout.

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