NY A.G. Schneiderman to Hold Off Enforcing Donor Disclosure Requirements - State and Federal Communications

January 13, 2017  •  

NY A.G. Schneiderman to Hold Off Enforcing Donor Disclosure Requirements

schneiderman2According to the American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.) and New York Civil Liberties Union (N.Y.C.L.U.), Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will not enforce certain provisions of the ethics law passed in 2016.

Specifically, Schneiderman is holding off on enforcing provisions of the New York Executive Law related to charitable lobbying donations (N.Y.E.L §172-e, f) until a federal lawsuit is decided. Schneiderman and officials from the Joint Commission on Public Ethics are both listed as defendants in the lawsuit filed by the A.C.L.U. and N.Y.C.L.U.

Plaintiffs contend the law requiring 501(c)(3) charities to disclose all their donors who contributed more than $2,500 to a substantial lobbying campaign run by an issue-oriented 501(c)(4) is unconstitutional and they are seeking an injunction prohibiting enforcement the ethics law.


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