Monday's State Government and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

July 10, 2017  •  

Monday’s State Government and Ethics News


Washington Firm Discloses Lobbying Senior Trump Officials on Macedonia” by John Hudson for BuzzFeed News

Campaign Finance

Arizona: “Ex-Arizona Attorney General Cleared in Campaign Finance Case” by Bob Christie (Associated Press) for U.S. News & World Report

Oklahoma: “Disgraced Former State Senator Paying State $112,524 for Misusing Campaign Donations for Personal Expenses” by Nolan Clay for The Oklahoman

Texas: “State Sues Rep. Dawnna Dukes Over Late Campaign Finance Report in 2016” by Ryan Autullo for Austin American-Statesman


“Trump’s Son Met with Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton” by Jo Becker, Matt Apuzzo, and Adam Goldman for New York Times

White House Relied Upon Dark Money Lobbyist to ‘Quarterback’ Gorsuch Confirmation” by Margaret Sassa-Hawkins and Andrew Perez for

Watchdog Groups Fear for Ethics Office after Resignation” by Megan Wilson for The Hill

Arizona: “Prosecutor: Gary Pierce bribery case grew from larger probe” by Jacques Billeaud (Associated Press) for Arizona Daily Star

Montana: “Legislators Face No Punishment for Ignoring Financial Disclosure Forms” by Jayme Fraser for The Missoulian

New Mexico: “Eight Judges File Recusals in Griego Case” by Andrew Oxford for Santa Fe New Mexican

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