March 2, 2020 •
Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance
Illinois: “Joe Berrios Must Pay $168,000 in Fines after Cook County Judge Dismisses His Complaint Against Ethics Board” by Gregory Pratt for Chicago Tribune
Maryland: “‘Any Means Necessary to Win’: How prosecutors say Pugh used ‘Healthy Holly’ scam in 2016 Baltimore mayor’s race” by Luke Broadwater for Baltimore Sun
National: “Pete Buttigieg Is Ending His Presidential Bid” by Chelsea Janes and Amy Wang (Washington Post) for MSN
South Carolina: “Joe Biden Wins South Carolina Primary, Potentially Reshaping the Democratic Race” by Cleve Wootson Jr. and Michael Scherer (Washington Post) for MSN
National: “Inspector General to Probe Whether VA Chief Robert Wilkie Tried to Discredit Woman Who Reported Sex Assault” by Lisa Rein (Washington Post) for Fayetteville Observer
New York: “Ethics Commissioner: Cuomo leak probe was a ‘sham’” by Brendan Lyons for Albany Times Union
National: “Sanders’s Rise Unnerves K Street” by Alex Gangitano for The Hill
Arizona: “Lobbyists Navigate Lawmakers’ Bad Behavior, Professional Relationships” by Julia Shumway and Andrew Nicla for Arizona Capitol Times
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