Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

March 3, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government Relations News


Lobby shop strikes gold with Wyden hire” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

Comcast now a $19 million lobbying powerhouse” by Todd Shields, Stephanie Green and Laura Litvan (Bloomberg News) in the Chicago Tribune.

David L. Cohen quite influential without being a ʹlobbyistʹ” by Jonathan Tamari in The Inquirer.

Shadow lobbying spends three times more than traditional lobbying” in the AG Beat.

Massachusetts: “Lobbying Spending Increases Dramatically” by The Associated Press in WGBH.

Massachusetts: “Review: Mass. health lobby spent $100M since 2007” by Steve LeBlanc (Associated Press) in the Boston Globe.

New Mexico: “New Mexico Debates New Lobbyist Rules” by Liz Farmer in Governing.

Campaign Finance

Supreme Court disrupted by protest over campaign finance ruling” by Al Kamen in The Washington Post.

Hidden camera footage surfaces of Supreme Court debate” by Mario Trujillo in The Hill.

Coming Soon from SCOTUS: Campaign Finance and Affirmative Action” by Damon root in Reason.

Facing 140,000 Comments, Treasury Braces for IRS Hearing, Legal Fight” by Eliza Newlin Carney in Roll Call.

California: “Identity of Campaign Finance Scandal Informant Revealed” by Wendy fry on NBC 7 San Diego News.

Florida: “Why this Florida congressional race is one of the most expensive ever” by Amber Phillips in The Denver Post.

Florida: “Political campaign fundraisers lose the frills” by James L. Rosica in The Tampa Tribune.

Missouri: “Former St. Louis alderman fined for using campaign funds for personal use” by Nicholas J.C. Pistor in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Pennsylvania: “D.C.-based PAC sues, saying Pa. can’t ban campaign contributions” by Kate Giammarise in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Texas: “Interactive: Campaign Finance Viewer for March Primaries” by Ryan Murphy and Travis Swicegood in The Texas Tribune.

The Feds

Washington-Area Federal Offices Are Closed Monday” by Kellie Lunney in Government Executive.


Colorado: “Critics see proposed ethics commission cure as bad medicine” by John Tomasic and Tessa Cheek in the Colorado Independent.

Colorado: “Director Jane Feldman leaves Colorado Ethics Commission” by Lynn Bartels in The Denver Post.

South Carolina: “Ethics reform bill heads back to SC House without changes to legislative oversight of members” by The Associated Press in The Republic.


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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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