Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

February 10, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government Relations News


Coffee shop known for hosting White House meetings with lobbyists closing” by Kevin Liptak in CNN’s Political Ticker.

Top Dollars Go To Health Care Lobbying” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call’s Political MoneyLine.

New job for long-time Wall Street lobbyist” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.

California: “Sacramento lobbying firm fined for lavish fundraisers with lawmakers” by Laurel Rosenhall and David Siders in the Sacramento Bee.

Illinois: “At 90, lobbyist still busy in Springfield” by Charcour Koop (Associated Press) in The Pantagraph.

Louisiana: “Director named for business lobbying group” by The Associated Press in the Miami Herald.

Nebraska: “Mailings raise question: What crosses lobbying line?” by Paul Hammel in The Norfolk Daily News.

New Mexico: “HB 82 would put lobbyist role on hold” in the Albuquerque Journal News.

Wyoming: “Wyoming politics have their own brand of influence peddling” by Kyle Roerink in the Star Tribune.

Campaign Finance

Major Democratic donors press Congress for campaign finance reform” in United Press International.

Look who’s benefiting from Citizens United: Unions wrote more big checks than corporations in 2013” by Jacob Fenton (Sunlight Foundation) in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Tip Sheets on Money in 2014 Hot Senate and House Races” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call’s Political MoneyLine.

Arizona:  “AG Horne’s campaign finance case heads to trial” by Bob Christie in the Arizona Daily Star.

District of Columbia: “Ex-DC lawmaker who already pleaded guilty faces new campaign violations as part of new plea” by Eric Tucker (Associated Press) in The Republic.

Florida: “Fixes Proposed for Campaign Finance Website” by Mary Ellen Klas in The Ledger.

Nevada:  “Law’s vague wording on expenses leaves room for interpretation in how campaign money is spent” by Andrew Doughman in the Las Vegas Sun.

Vt. lawmakers to try to fix campaign finance bill, but some may push for bigger changes” by The Associated Press in The Tribune.


U.S. Rep. Tom Petri buys stock in company lobbying for bill in his committee” by Donovan Slack in the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune.

California: “Lawmakers warned, lobbyist faces fines over unreported fundraising” by Patrick McGreevy and Paige St. John in the Los Angeles Times.

Florida: “Ethics Commission balks at more state-suggested changes” by Andy Reid in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

Georgia: “For Deal, ties to ethics commission problems run deep” by Aaron Gould Sheinin and Shannon McCaffrey in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

South Carolina: “Ethics reform moves slowly in S.C. Legislature” by Jeremy Borden in The Post and Courier.

Government Tech and Social Media

Are Governors Talking Tech? GovTech’s Take on 2014 State of the State Addresses” in Government Technology.

Ready to Launch, A New Platform to Ask Elected Officials Anything” by Miranda Neubauer in TechPresident.

Key considerations for using social media in government” by Seleha Riaz in Digital by Default.

Pennsylvania: “Pa. lawmakers’ social media site usage raises ethical questions” by Jan Murphy in The Patriot-News.


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