Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

February 25, 2013  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government Relations NewsCampaign Finance

Justices reject campaign finance appeal over corporate contributions” by Bill Mears on CNN.

California: “California campaign-finance reporting ripe for abuse” by Steve Harmon in the San Jose Mercury News.

New York: “Tax loopholes cited in push for NY campaign reform” by The Associated Press in the Albany Times Union.


Rules of the Game: Sequester Spells Bitter K Street Failure” by Eliza Newlin Carney in Roll Call.

Michigan: “Lobby spending increases in Michigan” by The Associated Press in Upper Michigan Source.

Rhode Island: “Former R.I. House speaker joins Twin River lobbying team” by Katherine Gregg in the Providence Journal.


Georgia: “Week Ahead: Ga. lawmakers take up ethics, juvenile justice” by Walter C. Jones in the Augusta Chronicle.

Washington: “State Senate Democrats’ campaign chief accused of financial misconduct” by The Associated Press in the News Tribune.

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