Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

July 30, 2012  •  

Monday News Roundup

In the newsLobbying

Statehouse Live: At least 8 GOP legislators registered to attend ALEC meeting” by Scott Rothschild in the Lawrence Journal World.

Oklahoma: “Lobbyist gift-giving to Oklahoma lawmakers is up again for the third straight year” by Michael McNutt in the Oklahoman.

Campaign Finance

Massachusetts Senate calls for Congress to pass law reversing Citizens United decision” by Robert Rizzuto in the Republican.

Big campaign donors can remain a big secret” by Jon Murray and Mary Beth Schneider in the Indianapolis Star News.


Alabama: “Lawmakers plan to run again as ‘double dipping’ ban looms” by Sebastian Kitchen in the Montgomery Advertiser.

Connecticut: “7 charged in Donovan probe” by Ken Dixon in the Connecticut Post.

Illinois: “Feds widen probe into newly retired South Side lawmaker” by Ray Long and Monique Garcia in the Chicago Tribune.

Illinois:  “Ex-Illinois lawmaker subpoenaed over scholarships” in the Quad-City Times.

South Carolina:  “Taxpayer bill for Haley ethics probe is $61,000” by Andrew Shain in the Charlotte Observer.

Utah: “Utah Supreme Court weighs fate of 2010 ethics initiative” by Cathy McKitrick in the Salt Lake Tribune.

Political Campaigns and Social Media

New Site Seeks to Aggregate User-Generated Political Videos” by Miranda Neubauer in TechPresident.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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