Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

January 28, 2013  •  

Monday News Roundup


D.C. Circuit Upholds Conviction of Former Abramoff Lobbying Associate” by Tom Ruger in the Blog of the Legal Times.

Arizona: “Inquiry of Fiesta Bowl lobbyist drags on” by Craig Harris in the Arizona Republic.

Georgia:  “Lobbyist gifts decline amid citizen outcry” by Chris Joyner in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Hawaii: “Hawaii legislators push reforming ethics rules for lobbyists and public officials” by Anita Hofschneider (Associated Press) in The Republic.

Kentucky:  “Some notes on 2012 lobbying spending” by Tom Loftus in the Courier-Journal.

New Mexico: “Lobbyists haven’t reported all event expenses” by Steve Terrell in the Santa Fe New Mexican.

North Carolina:  “N.C. budget chairs change seats, start lobbying careers” by Rob Christensen in the Charlotte Observer.

Washington: “Spin Control: Lobbying season kicks off in Olympia” by Jim Camden in the Spokesman Review.

Campaign Finance

Arizona: “Campaign finance violations targeted” by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez in the Arizona Republic.

Montana:  “Montana bill seeks cash to fight ‘dark money‘” by Matt Gouras (Associated Press) in the Great Falls Tribune.


South Dakota: “Sunshine laws draw support, resistance” by David Montgomery in the Argus Leader.

Government Tech and Social Media

6 Ways to Optimize Gov-to-Citizen Communication” by Colin Wood in Government Technology.

Legislative Issues

Arizona: “Arizona’s new Legislature not demographically representative of population” by Mary Jo Pitzl in the Arizona Republic.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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