April 8, 2024 •
Georgia Lawmakers Pass Bill to Regulate Agents of Foreign Principals

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The Georgia Legislature passed a bill to require registration and disclosure for agents of foreign principals.
Senate Bill 368 defines foreign principal broadly to include a foreign government, political party, and a partnership, association, corporation, organization, or other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country.
The registration requires extensive disclosure including the registrant’s nationality, nature of business, compensation, expenditures, and details regarding activity performed on behalf of the foreign principal. The registration must be updated every six months.
U.S. subsidiaries of foreign principals are not explicitly exempt from additional disclosures.
Agents of foreign principals must also disclose their identity to government agencies and the General Assembly each time they appear on behalf of a foreign principal.
The bill also prohibits foreign nationals from making campaign contributions to a candidate, campaign committee, independent committee, or political action committee.
Senate Bill 368 has not yet been signed by the governor.
If signed, the bill becomes effective July 1.
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