Coming into Force in 2018: Prince Edward Island Lobbying Law - State and Federal Communications

February 9, 2018  •  

Coming into Force in 2018: Prince Edward Island Lobbying Law

2018 will bring lobbying laws to Prince Edward Island, the only remaining province in Canada without them.

Bill No. 24, the Lobbyist Registration Act, was passed during the Third Session of the 65th General Assembly of the Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly and has already received Royal Assent. This Act will come into force on a date fixed by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, which historically takes several months in order for the province to set up an Office of the Lobbyist Registrar.

Upon the Act coming into force, consultant lobbyists, in-house lobbyists, and employers of in-house lobbyists will be required to register with the Registrar when communicating with a public office holder, directly or through grassroots communications, in an attempt to influence them on a variety of issues.

Additionally, a consultant lobbyist will be required to register when communicating with a public-office holder to influence the awarding of any contract by or on behalf of the Crown or arrange a meeting between a public-office holder and any other person. Registrants will be required to file returns with this Registrar every six months detailing any relevant subject matters lobbied, including legislative and regulatory proposals, the techniques of communication the lobbyist has used or expects to use to lobby, the employer or client for which the registrant is lobbying, and the identification of entities or persons paying more than $750 per fiscal year to the registrant to lobby.

Lobbying on a contingency fee basis is prohibited for consultant lobbyists and former public office holders are prohibited from lobbying for a period of six months after leaving office. Penalties for violations of the Act include fines up to $25,000.

Canada’s three territories still do not have laws regulating lobbying.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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