Campaign Finance, Lobbying, and Ethics News - State and Federal Communications

May 2, 2012  •  

Campaign Finance, Lobbying, and Ethics News

campaign finance newsCampaign Finance

New York: “Senate Democrats call for campaign finance reform” by Bill Lambdin on

Vermont: “Campaign finance bill sent to Judiciary Committee” by Terri Hallenbeck in the Burlington Free Press.


North Carolina: “Second Tillis staffer admits to inappropriate relationship with a lobbyist” by Dan Kane and John Frank in the Charlotte Observer.

Texas:  “Texas legislator fined for failure to disclose gifts” in the  Fort Worth Star Telegram.


District of Columbia: “D.C. Council Backs Off Pressuring Mayor to Select Ethics Panel” by Tom Sherwood on

South Carolina: “SC House votes to open investigations into its own if ethics committee finds probable cause” by Seanna Adcox (Associated Press) in The Republic.

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