The American League of Lobbyists Speaks Out - State and Federal Communications

September 28, 2011  •  

The American League of Lobbyists Speaks Out

giftOn Monday, the American League of Lobbyists (ALL)  made a statement against a new Obama administration proposal restricting lobbyists’ gifts to executive branch employees. It would also restrict those employees’ attendance to certain events sponsored by lobbyists, companies, and organizations.

Howard Marlowe, president of the organization, states: “The American League of Lobbyists strongly objects to this proposed rule and asks that it be withdrawn immediately. The Administration has offered no reports of even a single abuse of its current regulations to warrant the severe restrictions it has proposed on the mutual flow of information and expertise between lobbyists, their employers, and Federal workers.”

Here is a draft summary of the Obama administration’s proposed rule.

The “Lobbying in the News” page for ALL lists these three articles covering the news:

You can keep up with the latest discussions on the American League of Lobbyists Twitter feed (@LobbyistsLeague).


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