FEC to Consider Asking for Analysis of Rules For When Quorum Not Met - State and Federal Communications

April 20, 2018  •  

FEC to Consider Asking for Analysis of Rules For When Quorum Not Met

On April 26, among the items the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is scheduled to consider will be a directive concerning FEC rules when the commission has fewer than four members.

On April 19, Chair Caroline C. Hunter submitted a memo to the FEC stating her intent to ask the Office of the General Counsel to prepare a pubic memorandum analyzing the current laws and rules applicable when the commission has fewer than four members, the number needed for a quorum. Hunter also wants the commission to seek public comment on this issue after the Office of General Counsel’s memorandum is submitted to the FEC.

Additionally, the commission is scheduled to consider examples of internet communication disclaimers, which will be circulated at the meeting.

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